The health and safety of our employees is a top priority at Schaerer and forms the basis for the quality of our products and services. For this reason, we work in accordance with internationally recognised standards (ISO 45001, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001) and also choose our suppliers in line with these criteria
Occupational safety at Schaerer AG

Management responsibility
To meet growing requirements and ensure consistent implementation, the safety, quality and environmental policy forms part of our management system – taking ecological, economic and social aspects into account.

Flexibility and safety
Our infrastructure allows us to implement different customer requirements flexibly – always taking into account the safety and security of our employees. This has top priority and forms part of our corporate culture. With safe and secure infrastructures, systems, machines and equipment, we engender trust in employees, customers, partners and suppliers.
All employees are responsible for advancing and achieving the goals of safety, quality and environmental policy.

Continuous testing and training
With regular evaluation of the health and safety hazards, risks are determined, assessed and remedied using appropriate measures. We raise awareness and train our employees on accident and health hazards in the workplace.